
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Marimo Moss Ball

The Marimo Marimo Moss balls are by far my most favorite aquatic plant because I find it the most unusual of any other aquatic plant on the market. Not only do I personally collect them, but the likeness of the Marimo is used within my company logo. I really adore these curious plants, and I have a species only tank that contain just Marimo. I love it! This page is meant to provide the history of the Marimo Moss ball, generally speaking. This is by no means a care guide. The Marimo is a rare growth form of the species in which the algae grow into large green 'balls' with a velvety appearance. Found in a number of lakes in the northern hemisphere, namely Japan, Iceland, Scotland, Estonia and in Russia, however, because of their popularity in the modern aquarium keeping hobby, their natural colony populations have been declining. Aegagropila linnaei have been a protected species in Japan since 1920s, and in Iceland since 2006. The species can still be found in several...


U.S. Made Fish Food for the U.S. Bred Fish! Why do you feed NLS Fish foods exclusively to your fish? The short answer is, I DON'T! The long answer is a bit more complex then that... I am normally pretty tight-lipped about this topic because what people think of a product is entirely subjective. I don't speak much about what I choose to feed my fish because in all honesty, in this hobby, its personal preference. There is no right food, and wrong food to feed your fish, AND there will always be people who like to feed certain products to their fish... cat, dog, reptile, animal... child, and there will be brands and products that others will HATE -- and... thats OK! What it all boils down to, is what your fish will eat. It doesn't matter what kind of food that you buy your fish, or how much money it costs, or where the product originated from if your fish won't eat it. I am the typical fishkeeper for being a "brand loyalist". It doesn't matter what...

TVR Live Stream Cam - COMING SOON!

This void must be filled! Too long has it been for anyone to be without being able to go onto YouTube and search for a video of some Japanese Ranchu (AKA Top-View Ranchu / TVR) and get substantial search results so that the non-fish keeper can appreciate their movements. I know it is not very common for people to own Japanese Ranchu in America in contrast to Japan where they can be found in nearly any fish store in nearly every prefecture, but, since the day I started in this venture of ornamental goldfish, and my complete obsession with Ranchu goldfish, the Japanese Ranchu have always been my favorite, and it has been my ultimate goal to get my hands on some, and breed them. I cannot begin to express in words what the Japanese Ranchu do to me mentally -- every time I stop to look into my TVR ponds, I can not help but be enamored with them and be hypnotized by their movements. They are very therapeutic to me. They literally have changed my life, and they are truly special to me...

Why I Ship Fish EXCLUSIVELY with UPS

What Can Brown Do For You? This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but, UPS is one of the best parcel services in the Unites States. Not only are their Air services guaranteed, but, they provide door delivery, and live tracking. This is especially beneficial for city folk that would otherwise live in an apartment where most parcels are dropped off in a mail locker by wide spread USPS. Now I have tried a couple different parcel services, from FedEx, to USPS, and even attempted OnTrac, but, those parcel delivery companies aside, UPS is by far the most accommodating. No hassle, no annoying FedEx employees asking you what you are shipping -- and giving your personal billing information out to random customers that asked for it...(a story for another time) no dumbfounded USPS employees flabbergasted that you can "actually ship fish in bags, in boxes via the mail" to other parts of the USA... I mean, really? how else do big box stores get their fish, and animals to s...

GWR is OF-FISH-ALLY An Authorized NLS Reseller!

That's Right, It's Official! I am pleased to announce that as of April 22, 2019, Green Water Ranchu has been approved by the wonderful people at New Life Spectrum to be an Authorized Reseller of NLS Fish Foods! This is a really exciting moment for me especially because I absolutely LOVE New Life Spectrum Fish Foods. It is the only pelleted food that I trust to feed my fish. Sure, there are some other brands that have some great lines of food, but, not the best ingredients. I have gone on the record for saying that (ENTER BRAND HERE) has some great product lines of food, great on paper, but, unsatisfactory in ingredients and delivery -- mostly garbage-filler to churn out a ton of product to fill the market. But, not NLS. I won't tell you how many employees they have, because it is not my business to tell, but, the number is shocking, and not in the way you think! What makes NLS so good to me is their consistent ingredients, and that their product is for fish, ma...

Why I Ship Fish EXCLUSIVELY In Kordon Breathing Bags

BEHOLD! THE KORDON BREATHER BAG! A MAGICAL MARVEL IN IT'S OWN RIGHT! I know it doesn't really matter, and I do not owe anyone an explanation for why I ship fish the way I ship, because I CAN do whatever I want, and ship fish HOWEVER I choose to ship fish with WHATEVER bag I choose to ship them in, but, I thought I would add this little story in here for context regarding the method in which I ship fish now VS then. Unfortunately, there are some people in this hobby that are so entitled that they think they INVENTED the use of shipping live aquatic animals in Kordon Breathing Bags, and that anyone else who dares to ship fish, or shrimp, or whatever else in these bags is a copycat -- that is just asinine! That is like saying that you were the first person in America to put cream and sugar in your morning tea, and then accusing everyone else that ALSO puts cream and sugar in their tea of being a copycat. Its mental! Not only is this not true, but you sound delusional. Sorry to...